News of the PhD in Computer Science.
Next Ph.D. thesis defenses (September 25th)
2023.09.25 Ph.D. Thesis Examination Committee Meeting…
23 scholarships available to attend the Ph.D. Program in Computer Science at the Universities of Pisa, Florence and Siena – Italy
23 borse di studio disponibili
23 borse di studio disponibili…
Ph.D. thesis defenses (May 17th, 2023)
2023.05.17 Ph.D. Thesis Examination Committee Meeting…
Bertinoro International Spring School 2023
Registrations open to participate in the 28th Bertinoro International Spring School, that will be held from March 13th to March…
Ph.D. thesis defences (February 21st, 2023)
2022.02.21 Ph.D. Thesis Examination Committee Meeting…
Presentations of theses to advisory committees (January 31-February 3, 2023)
2023.01 thesis presentations…
Presentation of these of students at the end of their studies (week of November 4th, 2022)
Presentations of thesis proposals of students at the end of their first year of studies (week of October 17, 2022)