News of the PhD in Computer Science.
Ph.D. School presentation (July 18th, 2022)
2022.07.18 PhD school presentation…
Other 7 scholarships available for the Ph.D. Program in Computer Science at the Universities of Pisa, Florence and Siena
The call for applying for other 7 scholarships for the Ph.D. Program in Computer Science at the Universities of Pisa,…
First 8 scholarships available for the Ph.D. Program in Computer Science at the Universities of Pisa, Florence and Siena
The call for applying for the first 8 scholarships for the Ph.D. Program in Computer Science at the Universities of…
Two awards to our Ph.D. graduates!
I am very glad to inform you that: – Luca Versari won one of the 14 awards for the best…
Next Ph.D. Thesis Examination (May 24th)
Ph.D. Thesis Examination Committee Meeting…
How to survive in the publish-or-perish era?
publish or perish…
Ph.D. Thesis Examination Committee Meeting
Ph.D. Thesis Examination Committee Meeting…
Internal presentations of theses of Ph.D. students of cycle 34-ii
Internal presentations of theses of Ph.D. students of cycle 34-ii…
Presentations of thesis proposals of Ph.D. students of cycle 36-ii
schedule presentations 36-ii…